Mission Support Opportunities
Ride Connection Office Volunteers
Volunteer with staff in and out of our office! Help with mailings, assist with data entry, help out with development and advocacy initiatives, or lend a hand with a special project. Days and times may vary.
Interns and Students
We welcome interns, practicum students and individuals involved with service learning. Prospective volunteers meet individually with our Community Outreach Specialist to determine the best placement. We are the perfect place for your student learning experience!
Committees and Councils
Lend your professional and life experience by serving on a committee or advisory council. If you are passionate about accessible transportation and want to make a difference by sharing your skills, please contact us!
We are always looking for passionate individuals who want to assist us in accomplishing our legislative and policy priorities. Help by simply sharing your story with us or join us in Salem when we have the opportunity to speak directly to legislators about the importance of accessible transportation.